Press Play

Supercharging sales with a playful online/offline connected experience
    Products & Platforms
    Customer Engagement

Following a partnership with Lady Gaga in Q1, and a new equity campaign in Q2 featuring a train station busker, for Q3, our partners at Mondelez Europe tasked us with creating a music-themed activation.The objective: to drive sales as well as build affinity with our core audience of young millennials and millennial parents.


Letting go to music is the ultimate expression of universal playfulness. And there is no greater expression of playful music sharing than the crafting of a mixtape. We played on the nostalgia surrounding mixtapes for our millennial target audience, to bring playful, tasty yet analogue fun to music sharing in the digital world.

Putting analogue fun back into music sharing

An online/offline connected packaging experience that celebrates the nostalgia and joy in sharing music. Press Play to Win is a connected packaging experience integrated with digital and AI activations, turning OREO cookie packs into devices for crafting the perfect mixtape. With every OREO pack bought in-store, consumers can use AI technology to scan the OREO logo and gain access to a digital experience that includes sharing online ‘mixtapes’ with friends, as well as creating physical mixtapes with printed Spotify codes, filled with lovely cookies and packaged in a cassette-player pack. The activation plays on the nostalgia surrounding mixtapes for millennials, and bring some playful, tasty yet analogue fun to music sharing in the digital world.

Scan a Pack Using AI powered technology, users scanned any OREO pack
Discover the mixtape world Connecting the packaging to the digital world
Craft a playlist They could craft their own playlist or share one of our many tasty ones.
Add a personal dedication Along with fun stickers for the ultimate 90s look
Send to a friend Ready to send to a friend inside a classic Walkman.

“We are so happy to bring the ‘Press Play to Win’ activation to life across the UK and the Nordics. Pressing play on a mixtape has been part of culture for as long as we can all remember, and bringing that bang up to date in a playful way that is relevant for consumers – and, of course, OREO – is just great.”

OREO Mixtape Oreo
Rafael Espesani Senior Brand Manager
  • +5%

    Total Growth YOY

  • +16%

    In sales in our biggest retailer

  • 200,000

    Product scans in just 3 months
